Efajemue Goodness Godfrey, better known as Goody XYS, is a 23-year-old Fast rising Rapper and singer who hails from the...
Title: KUNG FU PANDA 4Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure Stars: Jack Black, Awkwafina, Viola Davis, Dustin Hoffman, Bryan Cranston, James Hong,...
Artist Name: EMILKIZ ADAMSTrack Title: KAYI MUNGANI Recorded: 2024 Nigeria sensational Gospel singer EMILKIZ is here with a new single titled KAYI...
Artist Name: YEMI CASTANOFeaturing: KEL CYPHATrack Title: NO PARADISEProducer: FUTURE MUSIQRecorded: 2024 YEMI CASTANO, is out with a new single titled NO PARADISE and he...
Title: JAPAGenre: Comedy Language: EnglishYear: 2024 The Movie, JAPA, tells the story of a man named Mezu, a disillusioned teacher whose attempts...
Title: DEAD OF NIGHTGenre: Tragedy Language: EnglishYear: 2024 In the Movie, DEAD OF NIGHT, A Music Lyrics lady living in a small...
Young man slumped and confirmed dead while trying to make use of an ATM Machine in Kaduna. Mr Timothy Malachi...
Artist Name: PST IBRO CHATJOCKTrack Title: MARMARI NA Recorded: 2016 PST IBRO CHATJOCK, a pastor with ECWA CHURCH is here with a...
Artist Name: DALIVARERS Track Title: OFFERING Recorded: 2024 Its the DALIVARERS again at your speakers dishing there first sound for the year titled...
“No Be Every Time Them Go Dey Colonize Us, Make We Self Colonize Them Small” — Jerry JAYDEE-Teachings A Lecturer...