Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtleDirectors: Jeff Rowe & Kyler SpearsWriters: Evan Goldberg, Jeff Rowe & Seth RogenThe film Teenage Mutant...
Title: King Of KillersDirector: Kevin GreviouxWriter: Kevin GreviouxStars: Alain Moussi, Frank Grillo, Shannon KookGaran is a part of a group...
Artist Name: BasketMouthFeaturing: 2Baba ,BlaqbonezTrack Title: TroubleRecorded: 2021 Music The Nigerian comedian, actor and musician, Basketmouth link up with 2Baba and Blaqbonez to create the...
Artist Name: PRINCE VNSTrack Title: NEW RHYTHM/REDEEMRecorded: 2023 PRINCE VNS, a Kaduna based artist is here with a new single NEW RHYTHM/REDEEM.NEW RHYTHM/REDEEM...
Artist Name: MagsloadedFeaturing: Honcho, Asiri, Sflames & CprinzTrack Title: Magsloaded Theme Song 2Recorded: 2022 Music Kaduna’s leading entertainment blogging platform, MAGSLOADED, during their 2nd...
Nigerian superstar David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has spoken about his forthcoming Netflix documentary and newborn twins. Speaking as a...
A 40-year-old mason, Lekan Sunday, has been arrested for allegedly raping a prophetess in a church in Ogun State. According...
Davido – Feel Timeless Genre: Afrobeats Date: 31 Mar, 2023 Content: explicit Region: NGA Track(s): 2 of 17 ℗ 2023 Davido Music Worldwide Limited under exclusive licence to Sony Music...
The President-Elect of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT STUDENT,(NAHIMS) Real Aminu Sadi after his victory has taken to his...
Oscar Destiny the goal keeper of the Nigeria U/17 2021 set has send his words of encouragement to the present...