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Title: THE KILLERGenre: Action x Crime x Thriller x Comedy Stars:  Nathalie Emmanuel as Zee, Omar Sy as Sey, Sam Worthington as Finn, Diana Silvers as Jenn, Eric...

Title: SARAFINAGenre: Action x Crime x Thrillerx Comedy Stars:  Leleti Khumalo as Sarafina, Whoopi Goldberg as Mary Masembuko, John Kani as School Principal, Miriam Makeba as Angelina, Mary...

Title: OLOTUREGenre: Tragedy Stars:  Sharon Ooja, Omoni Oboli, Patrick Doyle, Segun Arinze, Blossom Chukwujekwu, Wofai Fada, Beverly Osu, Ada Ameh,...

Title: JAPAGenre: Comedy Language: EnglishYear: 2024 The Movie, JAPA, tells the story of a man named Mezu, a disillusioned teacher whose attempts...

Title: MEA CULPAGenre: Tragedy Stars:  Trevante Rhodes, Kelly Rowland, Kerry O’Malley, RonReaco Lee, Sean Sagar, Shannon Thornton, Nick Sagar, Andzelika...

Title: DAMSELGenre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy.Stars: Millie Bobby Brown, Ray Winstone, Angela Bassett, Brooke Carter, Nick Robinson, Robin Wright, Milo Twomey, Nicole...